Dr. Leanne Whitney

Depth Psychologist + Transformational Coach

Holistic and Integrative Mental Health

Specialist in the intersection of 
Western psychology and the Eastern liberatory and shamanic traditions


Thank you for visiting and connecting. As you explore this site, I hope you find this information helpful.

The main thrust of my work as a healing arts practitioner is well-being. Finding solutions to how we might better live our lives.

Drawn from the depths of personal experience, my approach is holistic and integrative and I specialize in the intersection of Western psychology and the Eastern liberatory and the shamanic traditions.

My body of work addresses the turbulent and psychologically complex times in which we reside, framed by the belief that we are living at a pivotal period or threshold in our evolution—a very auspicious juncture ripe with possibility.

Think about where we find roots, or an embryo: Much of Life as we know it…begins in the dark. 

During this intensive time of change, one meaningful possibility before us is a transformation in perception. A transformation of how we perceive our world and our place in it. It is a transformation from a separatist point of view, to one that recognizes, and understands through embodied knowing, that everything is interdependent and interconnected. This perception not only radically revisions our most fundamental relationship – how we relate to Life itself – but this nondual perception also allows us to view all of our relationships from a different perspective.

In other words, the opportunity before us, individually and as a collective, is to evolve from a dualistic to a non-dualistic way of perceiving, relating with, and Being-in, the world.

By perceiving and living non-dualistically we gain clarity on the dynamic aspects of our world. Through a process of discernment as well as linkage, we learn to understand how the parts relate to each other and how the parts relate to the whole.

By gaining clarity, the fear, power struggles, and corruption that inhibit our wellness have an opportunity to reverse. We unearth our authentic nature and come into alignment with love, harmony, and joy.

2-Year Certification Training

Transformational Coaching with an Emphasis in Somatic Integration Therapy

An in-depth coaching certification program with Dr. Leanne Whitney & Shilah Sarkissian CPC, E-RYT 500

Steps in Dream Interpretation

A free downloadable guide to dream tending as a tool for self-discovery

Engaging honestly in every aspect of our lives is crucial for discovering who we truly are. Download this guide to dream interpretation and discover the effect that conscious dreamwork can have on your awareness and your sense of grounding into this life.

Shadow Integration Workbook

A free workbook for walking the path of authentic living

2025 Growth Grid

This grid is designed to help you reflect and set meaningful intentions for the year ahead across four key areas of life: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Each section invites you to consider your goals, dreams, and aspirations, as well as how you want to feel as you move toward your desired state of being.

Upcoming Offerings

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